
Your Guide to Cleaning a House Full of Teenagers!

Imagine walking into a room with plates stacked up to the ceiling, clothes scattered all over the floor, and a mysterious smell you can’t quite…

Your Guide to Cleaning a House Full of Teenagers!Imagine walking into a room with plates stacked up to the ceiling, clothes scattered all over the floor, and a mysterious smell you can’t quite place—that’s what a regular day in a house full of teenagers is like. With almost 42 million adolescents across the United States, this story is no anomaly. Coupled with 80 percent mothers of adolescents working full-time, keeping the house clean can be quite a challenge.

Here are a few ways you can counter the mess of teenagers:

Make basic hygiene a priority

While it may be too much to ask of a teenager to color-coordinate their wardrobe, expecting basic hygiene is a standard that should be set. Anything that will attract mold or insects—if it is left sitting outside for too long—should be unacceptable in the bedroom and living room.


Addressing the countless spillages of a varied amount of beverages and foods around the house can be a daunting task; finding the right product to use on each material is a challenge in itself! To make the task easier for yourself, consider making a basket of products you can use to clean spillages before they have the chance to set.


The ‘pile’

Every teenager’s room has a ‘pile’ in their room. This houses all the clothes and garments that have been worn and tossed throughout the week. You can allot one day to sort and laundry all the clothes your teenager leaves around the room, after it slowly accumulates over the week.


The plates and glasses

Just as there is a pile of clothes, you’ll also find plates, glasses, and mugs from the past several days that have carefully been stowed away in different corners of the room. To clean this mess, you can establish a system where your teenagers collect all their utensils in one specific area of the room; you can collect them at the end of the day.


While cleaning a house with teenagers can seem like an impossible task, Budget-Maids is your solution! We’re providing a trusted maid service across Virginia and Maryland, so if you’re on the lookout for a cleaning solution to your woes in Fairfax, Arlington or Columbia, secure your booking now!

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