Workout Gear Washing – Cleaning Service Falls Church

Cleaning Service Falls Church – Washing Tips Now that the summer is well and truly here, you’re probably sweating buckets every time you work out.…

Cleaning Service Falls ChurchCleaning Service Falls Church – Washing Tips

Now that the summer is well and truly here, you’re probably sweating buckets every time you work out. No wonder. Soaring temperatures and hard work tend to do that to a body.

Washing your workout gear properly is a must-do, if you want the clothes to last and so that you don’t offend your fellow gym goers. Some brands of fitness gear boast antimicrobial properties. They will still need washing, though!

Here are the Cleaning Service Falls Church rules to washing your workout gear:

Follow the instructions. It sounds like common sense, we know, but a lot of people lump their gear in with their normal washing. Because workout clothing tends to be made from special hi-tech fabrics nowadays, it might have different requirements from the rest of your clothes. Go carefully.

Don’t use fabric softener. We know it smells nice, but the liquid tends to coat the hi-tech fibres in gym gear and prevents them from being able to absorb water properly.

Ca’ canny with the detergent (sorry, we couldn’t resist a little Scottish-ism). In other words, don’t use too much. It’s tempting to tip in lots of washing powder when something stinks to high heaven, but washing cycles work better when the recommended amount is used. There are such products as sport-specific detergents that are probably worth trying.

Wash quickly. The longer your gear sits in your sports bag, the more likely it is to build up mold and mildew. Eww…

Soak your gear if necessary. Very smelly clothing can be soaked in cold water and a mild detergent solution. This will help neutralise the aroma.

Dry naturally. Workout clothing dried on the line or on a clothes rack responds better than clothing dried near a heater or in the drier.

It’s tempting to throw your trainers or sneakers into the washing machine, but this will ruin the cushioning so they won’t protect your feet and joints in the same way. Use an odor spray, or clean by hand.

Here at Budget Maids we provide Cleaning Services Falls Church, a maid service Olney or cleaning services in Columbia and surrounds, and more. Why not give us a call today and let us help you ensure that all your household washing is tackled quickly and efficiently?


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