A new trend that we’re happy to get behind surfaced recently—the wash your clothes less campaign that promotes eco-friendliness thanks to less use of the washing machine.
Detergents will enter the water supply system. With certain fabrics, microplastics also end up in the sea where they damage marine life. Over-frequent washing also shortens the life of an article of clothing.
There will be plenty of people who got on board with the trend years ago without actually realizing that made them eco-friendly warriors. Others might describe them as lazy or smelly (!) but there is a middle ground to take.
Why push up your fuel bills running a washing machine constantly when you can make sensible decisions about the laundry pile without offending your co-workers?!
What does washing clothing fewer times mean? Here is what our friends at Cleaning Service Rockville recommend:
Panties and socks
There is no escaping this one. Wash every day for hygiene reasons. While students/bachelors are often said to turn socks and boxer shorts inside out to get one day’s more use out of them, we say sling ‘em in the machine.
Hang stuff up the Cleaning Service Rockville way
We’re big believers in the cleaning power of fresh air. Picking clothing up off the floor isn’t appealing. Items that lie there will attract more dust and dirt, and if you have pets they will pick up a ton of dog or cat hair. Hang clothing on an open rack to let the air circulate and the creases fall out.
Push yourself out of the comfort zone
If you’ve gotten into the habit of throwing jeans into the washing machine after one wear, try extending it to two. Jeans are made from a robust fabric and they can handle extended wear. Once you’ve braced two-wear limit, extend to three, four or even five hanging up those denims between wears.
Remove stains
Follow Cleanpedia’s top tips to remove staining from clothing. Dirty marks are often confined to one small area or spot and do not require the whole item to be washed to remove them. (If you’re a serial food spiller, make friends with a cloth napkin.)
Embrace the apron
They’ve fallen out of fashion, but the apron’s practicality makes it ideal in the mission to wash clothing fewer times. (We at Cleaning Service Rockville always wear them for cleaning.) If you’re working with sticky, splattery sauces or embarking on a baking session, the apron will protect your clothing.
Spritz and freshen
Spraying clothing with a little plain water and ironing will often make it look as good as new.
Here at Budget Maids we provide Cleaning Services Rockville, a maid service in Arlington or cleaning services in Potomac and surrounds, and more. Why not give us a call today and let us help you with all your cleaning needs?
Laundry basket photo courtesy of Marco Verch professional photographer and published under the Creative Commons Licence: 2.0