
Six Top Tips for Student Cleaning

Are you a student living in shared accommodation? You might be happy to live in squalor (well, there are essays to write and parties to…

Setting a microwave on fire can be an occasional hazard of student living!
Setting a microwave on fire can be an occasional hazard of student living!

Are you a student living in shared accommodation? You might be happy to live in squalor (well, there are essays to write and parties to go to) but if you do want to live in a clean house, we have some great, cheap student cleaning tips to help you…

  1. Reheating all those pizzas and late-night kebabs can take its toll on your microwave, which will build up food stains and smells. One way to prevent it is to use vinegar or lemon juice. Fill a bowl with water, add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar (or lemon juice) and heat the water on the high setting for four or five minutes. Leave for half an hour and all stains and smells will be easy enough to wipe away.
  2. If you’re writing out your essays, or jotting on notepads you will need to watch out for ink stains on clothing. A can of cheap hairspray sprayed on the stain can help to remove ink stains.
  3. Plugholes can get blocked easily – with hairs, food and… er, worse. But a halved tennis ball can substitute as a sink plunger and it will be free-flowing in no time. Vinegar and baking soda mixed in a solution and left in the hole for 15 minutes before clearing with boiled water will clean lingering smells.
  4. Want to make your bathroom and kitchen faucets sparkle? Here’s a neat trick for you… Take an old toothbrush and lad it up with toothpaste (especially those baking soda toothpastes) and use this to scrub them. They will gleam!
  5. Another weird trick is to use the freezer for cleaning your jeans. If you can’t stick them in the washing machine (and naturally, this is the best option), then placing the jeans in a plastic bag and putting them in the freezer overnight will make them clean and fresh.
  6. If you are hitting the midnight oil or revising for exams, you might be knocking back the Joe to help you cope. But coffee stains can be a side effect. Baby wipes will mop up the coffee and clear the stain so keep a packet handy.

Here at Budget Maids we provide cleaning services in Olney, a maid service in Potomac or cleaning services in Columbia and surrounds (ie VA and most of Maryland). So if you and your fellow students want to club together for cleaning services so you can get on with your studying and social activities, why not give us a call today?


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