Maid Service Reston: Household Chores We Hate!

Everyone has their pet peeve, Maid Service Reston writes, the one household chore they despise, and the one they bribe other members of their household…

Maid Service Reston
Toilet cleaning. Most people hate it.

Everyone has their pet peeve, Maid Service Reston writes, the one household chore they despise, and the one they bribe other members of their household to do.

This can vary wildly. There are some people, for example who love ironing. They use it as an excuse to catch up on their favorite TV program. It’s a reward, right? I’ll work my way through all the ironing and in exchange, I’ll Keep up with the Kardashians at the same time. Insert your program/Box set of choice.

Others can find cleaning toilets hugely rewarding. We know. It doesn’t sound appealing to most of us. Unless you are someone who derives immense satisfaction from seeing something dirty and unhygienic transformed into gleaming white ceramic, clean smelling, and a seat every member of your household can safely sit their bottom on…

In all our years of providing Maid Service Reston, we do know there are certain jobs that do come in the top five for almost everyone. Here they are…

Cleaning the oven. The trouble is, as time goes on this job becomes harder and harder as burnt on grease builds up. When its hurts your eyes to open the door when the oven’s on, it’s well past the time you need to do it.

Emptying the garbage. Nope, no-one likes this either. And plenty of people are guilty of stuffing the trash down to get out of needing to empty the can. Another thing that doesn’t get done regularly is actually cleaning the garbage can. It handles all your rubbish. It needs it.

Cleaning the fridge. Wait, you say. That’s a thing?! We’re kidding, we know most people won’t let a refrigerator sit filthy or with spills in it. But proper cleaning of the fridge as it needs is a rarity in most households. On a weekly basis, Maid Service Reston recommends you remove all the shelves and wash in warm soapy weather, get rid of anything that’s out of date and clean up those gunky, sticky stains that always seem to happen.

Changing the beds. This one doesn’t appeal to many people as it’s an effort. First, you must strip them, then you’ve got to put duvet covers on. And that’s hard work. The pro’s tip is to turn the duvet cover inside out, stick your arms in and hold a corner in each hand, place over the duvet and tip so that the cover goes over easily.

All household chores. Ha! We added this as a joke. There are some people who genuinely love housework, but we’re willing to bet they are few and far between. Why not employ the pros? We’ll do a brilliant and budget-friendly job for you.

Here at Budget Maids we provide cleaning services in Olney, Maid Service Reston or cleaning services in Columbia and surrounds, and more. Why not give us a call today and let us do all the jobs you hate and don’t have time for?


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