
Keeping your home clean of creepy critters

No matter how regularly we clean, scrub or polish our homes, pests will always manage to find their way into our homes. These little critters…

No matter how regularly we clean, scrub or polish our homes, pests will always manage to find their way into our homes. These little critters are not only a potential health threat, but they also create a less than inviting atmosphere – who wants to share their space with a spider hiding in the cupboard or a cockroach under the bed?  Here are a few ‘green and natural’ tricks to keep pests away for longer. 

Pests with an appetite

Every kitchen has probably seen them at one time or another – ants, pantry moths and cockroaches.  They are hanging around your kitchen because they’re looking for food. So, your first line of defense is to ensure all food is properly sealed. It also means wiping worktops, cupboards, the floor and other surfaces where leftover food could be lying. Try wiping with vinegar as this is regarded as an excellent pest deterrent.

Keep ‘em dry!

Many of these creepy critters will stay away if rooms are dry and well aired.  Insects and rodents are looking for a sip of water too, so never leave out a glass of water or spilled liquid on the floor or table. If you have any water leaks in the bathroom, it’s a good idea to fix these as soon as possible too.  Some insects will be seeking damp corners so try and get these as dry as possible.

Deal with the dishes

If you know your home is prone to pests, never leave dirty dishes in the sink; pests can live on the smallest of food scraps.  Once the dishes are dried and packed away, wipe down the basin with a vinegar cloth to cancel out all food odors.

Kitchen garbage is one of the easiest ways to attract pests – big and small, so make garbage removal the golden rule in your home.  If you would like help cleaning your home then why not call on Budget Maids to help you out?  We offer house cleaning in Columbia, maid services in Arlington and cleaning services in Reston and all surrounding areas of VA and Maryland.

image via Houselogic.com

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