
Keep your bathroom clean at all times

It’s so easy to keep your bathroom looking gleaming and new at all times if you follow these easy to implement tips from Budget Maids…

It’s so easy to keep your bathroom looking gleaming and new at all times if you follow these easy to implement tips from Budget Maids below:

  • Get rid of clutter. The more ‘stuff’ you have lying around your bathroom the more surfaces there are for dust and dirt to cling to. Only have out on display what you really need – put the rest of it inside a cosmetic/toilet bag or in the mirrored cupboard.
  • Make sure there’s always something to clean the bathroom with to hand. You probably already have a toilet brush. Keep facecloths in a basket for cleaning with as you go along (make sure they’re pretty so they look like part of the décor). You can use these to clean surfaces and mirrors as well as the shower every now and again (just squirt a little shower cleaner on them).

Why is it so important to keep your bathroom clean? Well, as you’ve probably guessed, there’s more chance of picking up some sort of infection from here than in any other room in your home (apart from the kitchen, perhaps). And it’s not just because the surfaces haven’t been wiped in a while either.

A study at Leeds General Infirmary in England for instance, discovered that C difficile bacteria was 12 times more likely to be in the air if the toilet was flushed without the lid being closed. Think of that landing on a nearby toothbrush.


And here’s another awful statistic for you – a study, this time at the University of Arizona, discovered that a toilet paper dispenser was likely to be have up to 150 times more bacteria on it that a toilet seat. The paper towel dispenser had 50 times as much.

Do you have any great time-saving bathroom cleaning tips you’d like to share with us?  We’re a cleaning service in VA and Maryland. This typically involves services such as house cleaning in Columbia, cleaning service in Vienna or a maid service in Potomac. Find out more about what we offer right here.



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