
How Keep Your Family Safe and Healthy During the Flu Season

In the United States, influenza  results in about 45 million illnesses and 61,000 deaths each year. As the weather grows colder, the potential risks to your…

In the United States, influenza  results in about 45 million illnesses and 61,000 deaths each year. As the weather grows colder, the potential risks to your health also rise. Here are some ways to keep your family safe and healthy during this season:

Don’t Delay, Get a flu shot!

One of the easiest and most effective way to ward off cold and flu is by getting a seasonal influenza vaccine. The CDC and ADP have recommended that adults and children above six months get vaccinated for flu by the end of the fall season (October). Although the vaccine may not be 100% effective, it can decrease your chances of catching the flu by 60%.  This vaccine can also reduce the severity of the symptoms if you contract the flu. This is particularly essential for people at a higher risk for complications such as pregnant women, elderly people with weak immunity, and children.

Maintain A Healthy Diet

Another great way to keep your family safe and healthy during the flu season is by maintaining a well-balanced, healthy diet. Foods that are rich in nutrients and vitamins can keep your body strong to fight off sicknesses. Studies have shown that garlic supplements can enhance immunity and reduce flu symptom severity. Likewise, foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin D also reduce the duration and severity of flu and other viral infections. It’s important to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids during the day. At night, keep your smartphone away and get those extra hours of sleep so that your mind and body can get enough time to revitalize.

A cleaning specialist wearing gloves and disinfecting a table.

Keep Your House Bacteria Free

Now that the flu season is a coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, cleaning and disinfection have become more important than ever. The corona virus droplets can remain in your carpet’s fibers, making the virus transmission even easier. Likewise, flu germs linger on high-touch surfaces making your family more susceptible to contracting the virus. It’s important to regularly disinfect hot spots such as desks, toilets, door handles etc. If a family member has already contracted the flu, it’s best to keep their things separate from the others. Encourage them to use tissues while sneezing and limit contact with others, especially babies and the elderly, as they have weaker immunity.

It’s best to have a professional maid service clean your home in Columbia. Our cleaning specialists use safe products for the environment and aren’t harmful to your family members. We focus on high touch areas of your home to ensure no germs are lurking. Book a house cleaning service with our cleaning specialists online today.

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