
House Cleaning Oakton – Holiday Hygiene

Have you got a vacation coming up – or even a staycation, but one where you travel out of state? The House Cleaning Oakton experts here…

Holiday House cleaning Oakton Have you got a vacation coming up – or even a staycation, but one where you travel out of state? The House Cleaning Oakton experts here at Budget Maids have some advice for you. The last thing you want to come back with from your vacation is an upset stomach or worse.

Read on for our tips on how to keep your holidays healthy, hygienic and happy!

Room Safety

Check out your emergency exits at your accommodation as soon as you arrive.

If you have young children, make sure that they can’t get onto the balcony unless you are with them. And check that the balcony is safe to use – is it high enough? Is it wobbly? If you’re in any doubt, ask for another room, preferably on the ground floor.

Bed bugs

Unfortunately, bed bugs are on the rise. What with so many of us travelling nowadays, the little critters have decided to travel with us. Eww… and double eww…

Here’s what the House Cleaning Oakton experts recommend you do to avoid bringing the beasties home.

  1. Don’t put your luggage or clothing on the bed.
  2. Check the bedding. Look at the mattress, headboard and pillows. You’re looking for blood stains or small black dots. The critters themselves might be hidden along mattress seams. If you see any at all, alert the staff and ask for a new room.
  3. Wrap your clothing in plastic bags – and your suitcase too.

Swimming Pool

If it’s murky – don’t go in.

If you want to use the Jacuzzi, make sure you use one in a spotless hotel. And see if there’s a board up telling you times of hygiene/cleaning checks.

Watch out for trip and slip hazards round the pool.

The Buffet

An all-you-can-eat buffet can be the highlight of many people’s holidays, but be careful. You might not mind putting on a few pounds. You probably don’t want to end up with an upset stomach because of poorly prepared food.

  1. Hot food should be hot, and cold food cold.
  2. If there are flies or birds landing on the food, don’t touch it.
  3. Watch out for recycled food. Did you see sausages or chicken last night and now here it is again chopped into salads? Avoid.

We’re sure wherever you’re going, you’ll have a great time. Happy Vacation!

Here at Budget Maids we provide cleaning services in Arlington, house cleaning Oakton or maid services in Columbia and surrounds, and more. Why not give us a call today and let us help you ensure that your home is perfectly neat and tidy before you take your vacation?


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