
House Cleaning Arlington – Your Hospitality Check List

Budget-Maids often helps people prepare for guests when we carry out house cleaning Arlington and other places. Are you planning hospitality for the Easter weekend?…

house cleaning ArlingtonBudget-Maids often helps people prepare for guests when we carry out house cleaning Arlington and other places. Are you planning hospitality for the Easter weekend? If so, you might find this hospitality check list useful when preparing your home for guests.

  • You don’t need to clean every single room, but you should clean those your guests will be using.
  • Ensure your bathrooms have plenty of soap and fresh, clean towels. It’s nice if you can provide a brand new bar of soap or bottle of liquid soap. Of course, toilets should be cleaned and flushed.
  • Change the bed linen in the rooms your guests will be using and leave a stack of clean towels out.
  • Fresh flowers in guest bedrooms are another nice touch.
  • Leave windows open for a few hours in bedrooms to air the room – and something we like to do when we are house cleaning Arlington and other places.
  • Ensure there is a waste bin in the guest bedroom – this is always useful.
  • Empty out all of your trash cans and bins.
  • Stock up your fridge and freezer. The easiest solution for guests is to do batch cooking so you have plenty of stews, casseroles, pies and cakes in the freezer or fridge ready to be used.
  • Stock up on alcohol and/or soft drinks. It is especially nice to be able to offer guests a variety of soft drinks – juices, cordials, sodas, smoothies and more.
  • Stock up on appetizers. If you are very keen, you can make your own canapes, but nuts or chips decanted into pretty bowls will provide welcome snacks before dinner.
  • Make sure your guests have parking spaces nearby.
  • Provide soft lighting – lamps and candles provide friendlier lighting than overhead lighting. Another nice touch is to set out tea lights on the path to your door for guests walking in.
  • Make sure your rooms are clutter-free – store everything that doesn’t have a natural ‘home’ in baskets and make a resolution to either find them a permanent place or throw them out when your guests have gone.

Here at Budget Maids we provide house cleaning Arlington, a maid service in Oakton or cleaning services in Columbia and surrounds, and more. Why not give us a call today and let us help you ensure that your home is perfectly prepped for any guests you have coming to stay this Easter?




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