
What works in house cleaning? Arlington specialists reveal 5 popular hacks to avoid

Mayonnaise, vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, we house cleaning Arlington peeps have heard them all. The internet abounds with tips and tricks meant to make…

house cleaning ArlingtonMayonnaise, vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, we house cleaning Arlington peeps have heard them all. The internet abounds with tips and tricks meant to make our lives easier.

Do they all work? An article surfaced online picking apart what does and doesn’t hit the spot when it comes to cleaning. We were relieved to see our house cleaning Arlington specialists have never used these tips nor published them here!

Using drier sheets to remove burnt-on food from pans

Drier sheets are used in tumble driers to soften clothing and remove lint from whatever you put in there. Do they work on burnt-on food? Not so much. We prefer old-fashioned soaking overnight, particularly if you add baking soda. Read our article on the correct way to clean dirty pans here.

Pouring mouthwash into the dishwasher to sterlize it

We are not sure who looked at their bottle of mouthwash and thought, “Hmm, wonder if that will clean my dishwasher?!” Someone did, though. The theory goes you put the fluid in the empty dishwasher, run it on a normal program and it’s spanking clean.

Because mouthwash is designed for your (sensitive) mouth, it isn’t strong enough to disinfect a dishwasher. Use the prescribed products or white vinegar to get rid of soap build up.

Need carpet cleaning—check out why our house cleaning Arlington services recommend dry over wet cleaning.

Tipping a can of coke into your toilet bowl to clean it

Ah—the Coke myths. From being used to clean up blood and oil on roads after a car crash to dissolving entire objects, Coke has had its fair share of cleaning legends over the years. For toilets, you’re meant to swoosh the stuff around the bowl, let it sit for an hour and flush. Voila! Clean. But it won’t rid your toilet of bacteria. Toilet brushes and specially designed cleaners are your best bet.

Banana peel shoe cleaning

Potassium in banana peels is believed to have cleaning properties. Hmm. We tried it—messy, although the act of rubbing it on and then removing it with a soft cloth give a waxy finish to the leather. So does baby oil and it’s not as messy.

Lemons and baking soda to remove marks on kitchen benches

Dipping a half-cut lemon in baking soda and rub it onto counter tops is meant to help remove grime and stains. Wipe with a wet sponge and dry with a clean cloth—voila! It is unlikely, however, to remove deeper marks. Wipe them down regularly with warm, soapy water and dry well if you want to keep them clean and smart.

Here at Budget Maids we provide house cleaning Arlington, a Maid Service Potomac or cleaning services in Columbia and surrounds (i.e. VA and most of Maryland). Why not give us a call today and let us help you with the cleaning tips and tricks that really work?


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