
Home cleaning advice for asthma sufferers

Many of us are staying indoors these days due to the cold weather that’s hit the east coast. Which is fine for the majority of…

Many of us are staying indoors these days due to the cold weather that’s hit the east coast. Which is fine for the majority of us. The asthma sufferers, however, are having a really hard time right now because it’s not always easy to keep your home allergy free.


According to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 12 US citizens suffer from asthma, and a high percentage of asthma attacks are caused by our homes and other indoor environments.   

It’s always best to consult a doctor of course, when it comes to helping with asthma attacks but here at Budget Maids we can share some basic home cleaning advice that can help alleviate a sufferer’s situation:

Allergens are everywhere

Allergens play a huge role in causing asthma attacks, and the bad news is that they’re everywhere. But knowing where to clean and following through on a regular basis will certainly help reduce your home’s allergen load.  You’ll find allergens on surfaces such as carpets, pets, upholstered furniture, scatter cushions and the likes.  Dusting the furniture and cushions will actually do very little to help and in fact will only worsen the situation. Wash or dry-clean these items instead.

Vacuuming for dust mites

‘Fraid to say it folks but we all have dust mites in our home. And this is particularly bad news for asthma sufferers. One way to reduce the number of dust mites is to vacuum thoroughly, and regularly (up to three times a week). Cleaners with double filter bags are best. 

Wet wipes

Dust can escape even the best cleaner, but it can never escape a wipe with a wet cloth. Gently wash or wipe surfaces in your home which you’re aware collect dust (rather than use a duster which simply sends dust clouds into the air, creating a bigger nightmare for asthma sufferers).

Regular household cleaning is a must to help keep asthma under control and we can help out here at Budget Maids. We offer home cleaning in Columbia, house cleaning in Arlington, and if you just need a helping hand to get around to everything, maid services in Vienna and surrounding areas. 

image via lorithayer.com

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