Get the kids to clean up too

We like them to be clean but they’ve gotta be one of the messiest and most cluttered rooms in the whole house, if not THE…

We like them to be clean but they’ve gotta be one of the messiest and most cluttered rooms in the whole house, if not THE worst. Yep, you’re average kid’s bedroom is somewhere most parents tend to avoid if possible. In fact, the only worse place we can think of here at Budget Maids in VA, is a TEENAGER’S bedroom. Now there’s somewhere you really don’t want to venture inside…


But anyway, kids bedroom’s, once you have managed to grit your teeth and fight your way in, here’s a couple of cleaning tips for you:

Cleaning soft toys:  freshen these up by popping a couple of tablespoons of baking soda into a paper bag then putting the toy inside. Scrunching up the top and shake for five minutes or so. If you feel that’s not enough, wash the toy by putting it in a pillow case, tie it, then pop it in the machine at a medium wash.

Removing stickers and transfers from walls: there’s a few substances that can do this but the ones we’ve found most helpful include nail polish remover and WD40.

Cleaning is easier if the room’s organized so make sure there’s a place for everything and which, if it’s not a drawer or wardrobe is clearly labelled (so that you remember too!).

A good way to start to get your kid to clean his or her room is to help them clean it the first few times until they get used to the idea then allow them to go it alone.

Set a few ground rules ie insist they always put dirty clothes in the laundry basket and tell them they’re banned from taking and eating food in their room (unless it’s crisps or sweets). No-one wants to find a two month old half-eaten cheese sandwich under the bed!

Whether you’re looking for a house cleaning in Falls Church, a Maids Service in Olney or a cleaning service in Vienna then here at Budget Maids in VA, we’d be happy to help.

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