
Get your oven grunge-free for christmas

Oven cleaning – it’s not something the majority of us look forward to. But let’s face it, it has to be done. And now, with…

Oven cleaning – it’s not something the majority of us look forward to. But let’s face it, it has to be done. And now, with the prospect of lots of Christmas cooking on the horizon, is probably as good a time as any. Why? Well, an oven that isn’t clean won’t distribute heat properly meaning the quality and taste of your food could be affected.

oven cleaning tips

So, roll up the sleeves and lets get cracking. Read on for the Budget Maids blog to getting a grunge-free oven:

Keep it clean on a regular basis. This makes sense of course. It’s just finding the time to do so. Making the time is worth it though. It means that, come the end of the year, cleaning your oven won’t be as intensive and therefore will take half as long (meaning you will have time to enjoy a congratulatory glass of wine afterwards).

Chemical or natural cleaners? If using chemical cleaners it’s important to protect your hands using rubber gloves. To let them work their magic allow the chemicals to remain on the oven for a few hours or even overnight. Expect to engage lots of elbow grease when scrubbing off and rinsing.

Natural cleaners include white vinegar and baking soda. Make a thick paste using water and baking soda and apply to the inside of the oven. Leave for several hours then rinse off with a mixture of white vinegar and water via a bottle spray. The paste will fizz. Leave for another few hours then remove with a damp sponge. Voila.

Now you can be assured the only thing that could potentially ruin your Christmas dinner will be your own culinary talents rather than your oven!

For more cleaning tips from the Budget Maids team do check out our regular blog. It has plenty of ideas and advice for home cleaning. Alternatively if you simply don’t have time and would like to employ our services then please get in touch. We offer a maids service in Renton, house cleaning in Potomac and cleaning services in Falls Church and surrounds in VA and Maryland.

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