
Four health benefits of a clean home

Wonder why you keep cleaning your home on such a regular basis when really, you’d so much rather be lying by the side of the…

Wonder why you keep cleaning your home on such a regular basis when really, you’d so much rather be lying by the side of the pool with a good magazine and a margarita? Well, here’s 4 good health reasons to keep you dusting and vacuuming away:

Avoiding allergies and asthma

Regular vacuuming with a high-efficiency particulate air-filtered model really does  keep those with allergies breathing easily. By getting rid of unwanted dust you can also cut back on annoying skin rashes.

Managing mold

More common illnesses than you think can be caused, and aggravated by the presence of  mold in your home. Here we’re talking sinus problems, asthma and even a weakened immune system and which can lead to colds and other infections. The danger with mold is that it easily transmutes into ever more powerful fungal strains – the type you definitely don’t want in your home! Keep an eye on the fridge and left-over food since mold can really flourish in here if not kept an eye on.

Massacring dust mites

Dust mites are just plain nasty. They somehow find their way into our carpets, furniture and even – gads – our bedding. Although not noticeable to the eye, they can result in health irritations and allergies. The best way to eradicate their presence is by steam cleaning carpets, cushions, upholstery, bedding and curtains. Do this twice a year at least.

Lowering stress levels

Cleaning our homes can have a really positive effect on our mental health. Not only do you feel better by looking round and seeing a clean home, but there’s all that exercise such as bending, stretching etc involved in cleaning. And exercise, of course, is a great stress reliever.

Let’s face it, having a clean home results in numerous health benefits – and not just the ones we’ve listed above. We’re sure you can think of some of your own reasons. Meanwhile, if you appreciate it’s important to have a clean home but simply don’t have the time to do all that work yourself then why not call on our professional services here at Budget Maids?

We offer professional home cleaning services in Columbia, cleaning services in Olney and maid services in Vienna – as well as a host of other areas in VA and Maryland.

creative commons image via Flickr

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