
Eco cleaning solutions from your kitchen cupboards

Here at Budget Maids we like our eco tips and this week we wanted to tell you about two food-related items most of us have…

Here at Budget Maids we like our eco tips and this week we wanted to tell you about two food-related items most of us have in our kitchen which not only improve our meals but are also great cleaning solutions for our homes.

It sounds rather suspect but were you aware, for example, that potatoes were great at getting rust off cast iron and aluminum pots and pans? Neither were we until we tried it – and were might impressed.


All you need to have those pots shining as good as new is a potato and some table salt (or baking soda). Just halve the potato and rub the flat side it in a saucer of salt. Now just position it over the rust in the pot and rub until it’s gone. Sounds simple? It is!

The reason it works is because potatoes contain oxalic acid which helps rid the rust and the salt is an abrasive.

Our other favorite cleaning item found in the cupboard is white vinegar. Why is this condiment so great? Well, how about the fact it gets rid of soap scum and grease? And that’s just for starters. It can also deodorize and disinfect thanks to the fact it contains acetic acid – so goodbye mold and other household nasties.



At this time of year we tend to have our barbecue grills going non-stop. Well, if you want to clean them thoroughly, get some vinegar. Just spray onto a warm barbecue liquid from a bottle made up of half vinegar/water. Leave to sit for 10 minutes then with a piece of foil coated in vinegar scrub the grill (repeat) then rinse.

Get a smoother iron going by cleaning the iron plate with vinegar. Just pour a mixture of vinegar and water into the iron’s water chamber, turn to ‘steam’ setting and iron a piece of discarded fabric to clean out the iron. Leave switched on for five minutes then repeat the process – this time just with water – once the iron has cooled.

You can find more cleaning tips today at our Budget Maids website as well as information about our house cleaning, maids service and general cleaning services in VA and Maryland including areas such as Vienna, Olney, Oakton and Arlington.

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