Cleaning Service Vienna: Banish the January Blues with Cleaning

Have you got the January blues, asks Cleaning Service Vienna? It’s a funny month. All the lovely activities such as partying, time off work and…

Cleaning Service ViennaHave you got the January blues, asks Cleaning Service Vienna? It’s a funny month. All the lovely activities such as partying, time off work and catching up with family and friends are finished.

Still, there are some things you can do to make this month better. Here are our suggestions.


Get rid of those unwanted presents. Yes, we’re always grateful for gifts but many people receive things they don’t want. If you don’t love the gift, it clutters up your home. Donate it to charity or a friend who might appreciate it.

De-clutter in general. Do you want to walk into a home that feels calm and relaxing? The less clutter that lies around, the more likely this is to happen. How can you make de-cluttering easy? Cleaning Service Vienna explains:

  • For wardrobes. Anything you haven’t worn in a year should be thrown out. Ditto for anything that does not fit, or doesn’t suit you.
  • Books. Is there a room where you can store them all? We’re loath to throw books away, but keep them all in one place and they’ll be much tidier. The same goes for DVDs.
  • Drawers. We’re all guilty to dumping stuff in drawers to hide it away. Again, ask yourself if you’ve used these items in the last 12 months and chuck anything you haven’t.
  • Kitchens. Get rid of any gadgets that aren’t used regularly, i.e. once a week or every two weeks.
  • Bribe a friend to do it. Your friend won’t have any attachment to your things. They’ll find it easier to throw away the rubbish. Repay your friend by doing the same back.


Clean your trash cans. Your trash cans have worked hard this Christmas. Extra food waste and packing will have taken their toll. Your bins may stink to high heaven. Ideally, you should throw your trash out daily. Create a home-made trash can cleanser using a 50/50 mix of cider or distilled white vinegar and water spray. You can add some drops of essential oils too, such as lemon or peppermint. When you take the trash out, spray the bin and give it a quick wipe.

Invite people around to your lovely, clean home. Now that you’ve de-cluttered and filled your home with lovely aromas, people should see it. It’s tempting to hide away in January, but socializing keeps us health and cheerful. Throw a mid-month party. It will make you very popular!

Happy New Year from all of us at Budget Maids!

Here at Budget Maids we provide Cleaning Service Vienna, a maid service in Arlington or cleaning services in Falls Church and surrounds, cleaning services in Olney and Oakton and more. Why not give us a call today and let us make sure your home is beautifully clean and tidy in 2018?


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