
Bin There Dump That: It’s Time to De-Clutter Your House

Are you a secret hoarder? That’s okay. We all love to keep the stuff we buy. Yes, that old eyelash curler might come in handy…

Are you a secret hoarder? That’s okay. We all love to keep the stuff we buy. Yes, that old eyelash curler might come in handy one day, but today is not that day.

Clutter around you can make you feel anxious or annoyed. If you have too much stuff and too little space to keep it, it might be time to let some things go. Here are 5 signs that you need to de-clutter.

1. You Can’t Find What You Need

If you feel like you never find scotch tape when you need it, or new batteries for the wall clock, it might mean you have too much stuff. When there’s so much stuff around you, you end up not being able to find the things you already own. Everything is so disorganized that it seems easier to go out and buy a new roll of tape. But then you end up with even more things that you don’t have enough space to keep. It’s better to get rid of all the extra stuff you have before you buy any more things.

2. You Never Have Anything to Wear

Sometimes you might open and your closet and feel like you have nothing to wear, even though it’s full of clothes. That might be because you’re holding on to clothes that you’ll never wear again, or items that don’t fit you anymore. It’s time to make hard decisions and get rid of everything you know you won’t use anytime soon. When you’re left with just the clothes that fit and the ones you like, you’ll have an easier time picking which ones to wear.

3. Your Drawers Don’t Close

Do you struggle to close the kitchen cabinet? Does shutting a drawer feel like an arm-wrestling match? It means you have too much stuff and not enough space. It’s not just a matter of organization. Sometimes you can be really organized and still struggle with these problems. Take one drawer at a time and discard everything you haven’t used in the past 1 year.

4. You Keep Finding Expired Products

If you keep picking up that expired mascara instead of the new one while getting ready for work, you need to de-clutter. Expired products can pile up if you don’t give away things you don’t need. This is especially true for your fridge, since food items expire much faster.

5. There are Boxes You Never Open


If you have anything packed in boxes for over 3 months, it means you’ll never open it. It’s likely that the things in the box are not that useful, which is why you never miss them. These boxes are a sight for sore eyes.

If you relate to most of these signs, it’s time for you to de-clutter your house. Cleaning up can be a hassle though. If you want to save yourself time and energy, let a professional take over. Budget Maid offers professional maids for all your house cleaning needs. Book an appointment with us today and start your new, clutter-free life!

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