Seven Top Tips for Christmas Cleaning

Who doesn’t long for the peaceful haven of the tidy home? Cleaning Service Rockville specializes in the dirty work and we’ve learned a tip or…

Christmas cleaning Cleaning Service RockvilleWho doesn’t long for the peaceful haven of the tidy home? Cleaning Service Rockville specializes in the dirty work and we’ve learned a tip or two over the years.

At this time of year, you might be entertaining more family members and friends than normal and managing the household chores can prove tricky. Here are some tips:

Start with a clear-out

January is the normal time of year for a de-clutter but why not head it off at the pass by ridding yourself of the mess? Donate to thrift stores and non-profits, offer items for sale on eBaby if they are good enough and make money at the same time. Our golden rule? If you haven’t used something in six months, you don’t need it.

Have your carpets professionally cleaned by Cleaning Service Rockville

A cleaned carpet is a brand new one! It’s true—professionally dry-cleaned carpets fluff up to new-carpet sponginess. And they look better too, obvs, thanks to being brand spanking clean. If you have pets, carpets should be cleaned more frequently as our furry friends leave their hair everywhere!

Be ready yourself

Pre-planning your wardrobe means you’re ready for all the parties. Nothing worse than taking your favorite dress or shirt out of the closet and discovering missing buttons or a bust zip. Decide in advance what you are going to wear, check it’s okay and wash/iron/dry-clean beforehand. The same applies to footwear—are your shoes polished and ready to wear?

Sort out the decorations

Christmas decorations spent most of the year up in the attic or tucked away in a cupboard. Unless you’re one of those people who loves Christmas so much your home is permanently decorated… Before you put them up, check for dust and broken bits so they don’t make your brand new tidy home look messy.

Clean the counters

Food prep is frenzied at this time of year. Make sure your counters are fit for purpose by wiping them with anti-bacterial cleaners regularly. Remember too, that raw meat and poultry needs to be chopped and prepared on clean chopping boards you don’t then use to chop anything else on before washing.

If you have granite countertops or ones made from marble and soapstone, avoid cleaning chemicals says Cleaning Service Rockville, except those specifically designed for them. Water and a mild solution of dishwashing detergent will lift most stains.

Write shopping lists

Want to keep your kitchen and fridge clean? Only buy what you need. Write lists so you can make it precise and avoid returning from the grocery store with things you already had in stock.

Schedule in a big Christmas clean up by Cleanin Service Rockville

We offer professional, budget-friendly cleaning services and can tidy your home in no time at all while you relax ready for a fab Christmas with family and friends?

Picture thanks to Melissa Hillier on flickr.

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