
Maid Service Vienna’s floor cleaning tips

The floors in our homes put up with a lot. From dirty boots, to pets and bump grind of daily footprints stamping through. No wonder…

The floors in our homes put up with a lot. From dirty boots, to pets and bump grind of daily footprints stamping through. No wonder they needed to be cleaned so often.

As the top provider of a maid service in Vienna, we clean floors all the time. Here are our top eight tips for flood cleaning.

  1. Eight tips for cleaning floors

  2. Do all your other cleaning jobs first. The rule of house cleaning is to start at the top and work your way down. Dusting and wiping inevitably sends dirt, crumbs and fluff downwards.
  3. Remove as much furniture/appliances as you can. You’ll be amazed how much dirt and fluff lurks underneath. And remember to take up all the mats and rugs. So why not wash or clean these at the same time?
  4. Sweep or vacuum your floors first to get rid of the crumbs and dirt. Make sure you use the right attachment for the vacuum cleaner as different ones suit different surfaces.
  5. Use a dilute solution of floor cleaner. Dish detergent can do the job—dilute with plenty of hot water.
  6. Start by washing the corners and outside edges of the floor and work your way in.
  7. To reach the spaces between appliances and furniture, you can wrap a cloth around the end of your mop and use this to get in between. This is a top trick we at the maid service in Vienna HQ love!
  8. Mats outside any doors into your home can minimise the dirt people bring in on their shoes.
  9. A quick drying tip is to take an old towel and wrap it around a brush and wipe back and forth. You can do the same by standing on the towel and moving it around over the surface.

Keeping floors clean

How do you keep floors clean for as a long as possible? The best way is to enforce the no shoes inside rule. Set up a place either inside or outside where people can take off their shoes before entering the house. If you have pets, clean their paws whenever they have been outside. (A job that is much easier with dogs than cats… )

Finally, it is quicker and easier to clean a floor that isn’t too dirty in the first place. Regular cleaning will mean the job isn’t too arduous every time you do it!

Want a professional cleaning company to make sure your floors are spic and span? The maid service in Vienna offers cost-effective cleaning. Contact us here if you’d like to make an appointment.

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