Keep your christmas cleaning routine up to date

It’s that time of the year again folks – festivities, celebrations and family get-togethers.  Sure, it’s a merry time, but it’s also the busiest time…

It’s that time of the year again folks – festivities, celebrations and family get-togethers.  Sure, it’s a merry time, but it’s also the busiest time of the year for most households.  Whether you’re opening your home this holiday season for family members from far away, friends or just the next-door neighbors, chances are you’ll need to step up your household cleaning and organizing routine. Fear not though, here at Budget Maids we have four helpful holiday cleaning tips to keep you on track over the holiday period, such as:


  • Get rid of the garbage 
  • It’s the one thing that can really turn a household upside down. And with friends and family spending time at your home eating and drinking,  your average garbage pile is set to grow. Be strict though – have a removal rule and stick to it. Perhaps even place extra bins throughout your home.  Depending on how many guests you’re expecting, try and remove the garbage every day or at least every other. After all, no-one wants nasty smells permeating their home over the holidays.
  • No food fussing
  • Let’s face it: food at the best of times can be downright messy but at Christmas it can be chaos. Leave plenty of wipes lying around and never procrastinate when it comes to cleaning up any spills. Cleaning up dropped and spilled food is easier to do on hard surfaces, of course, such as tiles. Just pray the carpets don’t fall victim, otherwise you’ll have to put in some elbow grease. Do yourself a favor and try to organise meals around hard surfaced floors such as the kitchen or dining room rather than the sitting room, if possible.
  • Stock up on supplies
  • Holiday grocery shopping is a big deal; but you still have to remember to stock up on the basic items too. It will be plain disheartening to gear up into cleaning mode just to realize there’s nothing to clean up with in the cabinets. And you don’t really need us to point out to you how there’s never a spare moment to pop to the shops over the holidays…
  • 10-minute bathroom beautifier
  • You don’t like a dirty bathroom, so why should your guests? You can keep on top of this room though by doing a quick 10 minutes every day. Through away any trash or empty shampoo and soap dispensers, get rid of any dirty laundry lying around and put out fresh towels.  Wipe down the mirror, basin, bath, toilet boil and sweep the floor.  Then you’ll feel better about being the hostess at home.

Few of us have home cleaning on our priority list this holiday, quite rightly we’d rather spend time with our nearest and dearest.  And that’s where here at Budget Maids we can really help out. In the run up to the holiday season and throughout, we’ll be offering maid services in Arlington, cleaning services in Church Falls and house cleaning in Rockville and surrounds – making sure you can rightly relax and really enjoy the festivities this year.

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