Cleaning Up After Pets – house cleaning Potomac

If you have pets, you might worry that a cleaning company such as house cleaning Potomac can cope. Never fear! We have years of experience…

house cleaning Potomac
They’re cute – but messy too!

If you have pets, you might worry that a cleaning company such as house cleaning Potomac can cope.

Never fear! We have years of experience of cleaning homes, and we know people’s beloved pets are family members. We use environmentally-friendly cleaning products and methods to ensure your precious pooch or marvellous moggie is unharmed by anything we do. We’re used to cleaning up after pets too, so if your animal is home when we visit – that’s no problem either.

We have some advice to help you if you want to keep your home clean when you have pets:

  1. Groom your dog or cat regularly. This will minimise the shedding they do – so less dog or cat hair to vacuum up. It’s also an excellent way to bond with your pet, and it lets you keep an eye on any potential flea situations…
  2. If your animal does get fleas, remember you will need to treat the house as well as your pet. Wash any bedding he or she uses, as well as any cushions the animal uses. You might want to consider professional carpet cleaning such as the service we at house cleaning Potomac offer, as this is great for getting rid of critters.
  3. Carpet cleaning is also useful if your pet has had an accident… Bear in mind with cats that if they wee somewhere inside, they are likely to return to the same place as they’ll be able to smell the urine even when you can’t. A specialist cleaning product will be necessary to eliminate the odor completely.
  4. Keep a supply of sticky tape or special pet sponges in the home as this will help remove excess quantities of pet hair.
  5. If your pet has stomach trouble, this can be tricky to clear up because vomit is so acidic. If possible, clean it up as soon as you can. Use kitchen towels to pick up as much as you can, then treat the area with a professional carpet detergent. Rinse the area thoroughly with clean, hot water. Hopefully, this will bring the carpet back to a neutral pH.

Bear in mind that it can take up to two years to eradicate a home of pet hair… If you are moving on and selling your home, you might want to consider specialists services such as house cleaning Potomac to leave the place spick and span.


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