
9 Hygiene tips from House Cleaning Reston

We've got some useful tips on hygiene from the cleaning experts at House Cleaning Reston.

Covid-19 at House Cleaning RestonAs the news is dominated by the spread of Covid-19 across the globe, we at House Cleaning Reston thought we would share our tips for home hygiene with you today…

The non-stop news coverage can make the situation feel overwhelming but if we focus on what we can do and remind ourselves that most people who catch Covid-19 recover, that can bring some peace of mind.

Wash your hands the House Cleaning Reston way

Best practice is to wash your hands for 20 seconds at a time (about the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice). Use warm water and plenty of soap. Wash one hand at a time, ensuring you rub the soap between your fingers. You can use your thumb to wash soap down the back of your palm. Rinse thoroughly.

Wash your hands often

It is standard to wash your hands

  • after using the toilet or changing a nappy
  • before and after handling raw foods such as meat and vegetables
  • before eating or handling food
  • before and after inserting sanitary products such as tampons
  • after blowing your nose, sneezing or coughing
  • before and after treating a cut or wound
  • after touching your pets or other animals, their food and after cleaning their cages/litter trays etc.

You might also want to wash your hands every time you come into your home or workplace and before leaving, as we do at House Cleaning Reston.

Don’t shake hands or hug

Antisocial as it might seem, it makes sense not to shake hands or hug people in order to avoid such a contagious condition. Touching elbows or even feet is now the trendy way to greet people.

Change bedding regularly

Again, in times when infectious diseases are at a peak, it is sensible to change bed linen more frequently than you would normally. And if you or your partner has a cough—sleep in a different bed, please!

Read more about House Cleaning Reston here.

Take extra care over food preparation

Wash your hands while preparing food and ensure all the surfaces are clean before you start and tidied after you finish. Wash dishes, cutlery, knives and pots and pans at high temperatures, and

Use clean towels

Make sure all the towels in your bathroom are clean and wash after every use.

Keep your hands away from your face

It’s tricky to stop this but try not to touch your face.

Home-made hand santizers

Demand for hand santizer has soared in recent weeks (up 1,400 percent) and Amazon has been forced to ban more than 10,000 people from price gouging. You can make your own using rubbing alcohol or ethanol, aloe vera gel and a few drops of an essential oil to make it smell nicer. There is a ‘recipe’ for home-made sanitizer on this website.

Look out for your older relatives, neighbors and friends

Anyone with a cough or cold should stay away from older people or those with underlying conditions such as asthma. But you can shop and prepare meals for vulnerable citizens and keep in contact via Skype, FaceTime and the phone otherwise.

Stay safe, everyone!

For more advice on preventative measures, see the World Health Organization’s website. House Cleaning Reston offers budget-friendly, efficient and hygienic home cleaning. Contact us if you would like to find out more about our services.

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