
4 Household Chores to Avoid While You’re Pregnant

While pregnancy is the beginning of new life you’re about to bring into the world, it can be quite hard on your body. The first…

While pregnancy is the beginning of new life you’re about to bring into the world, it can be quite hard on your body. The first trimester begins with severe morning sickness and around 70% of women experience it. This can make you feel weak and low on energy.

This nausea and vomiting tends to stop by the second trimester, but that’s when other symptoms begin to surface. While women are encouraged to live life as normally as possible, no two pregnancies are the same. It’s best to take it as easy as possible.

Here are some house chores you should avoid while pregnant:

Stay away from chores that require harsh chemicals

spray bottles

Most cleaning products used are full of harsh chemicals that are harmful for you and your baby. Try to use natural cleaning agents during this time and have the area well-ventilated when cleaning. We understand the need to deep clean before your baby’s arrival, but use products that are safe and preferably get someone else to help you out.

Don’t try painting a nursery while pregnant

One of the first things couples do when they find out they are pregnant is begin work on the nursery, this includes painting it. Some tend to wait for the gender to be revealed so that they can pick a theme accordingly. No matter what stage of the pregnancy you are in; don’t try painting a nursery yourself. The fumes are harmful to you and your baby and it’s a physically demanding task which will leave you very tired. Leave the painting of the nursery to your partner, family, or a professional.

Don’t do chores that require you to get up on a ladder, chair, or step stool

Expecting couples tend to go all out with preparing their home for a baby, as they should do. This means climbing up step stools and ladders to get stuff out of the cabinets which can endanger the expectant mother. While pregnant, don’t take any chances. Leave such chores to your partner or another family member to do.

Stay away from cat litter boxes

Expectant mothers out there who have pets, cats in particular, need to be very careful. We advise ladies to stay away from cat litter boxes when they are expecting. Cats can carry a parasite Toxoplasma gondii due to the raw meat they consume. This virus can pass via contact with the cat’s stool and can lead to complications in your pregnancy and even a miscarriage.

It’s best to have a professional maid service clean your home in Reston while pregnant.  Our cleaning specialists use products that are safe for the environment and aren’t harmful for your baby. Use your pregnancy as a time to rest up and stay happy and positive. Book a house cleaning or get in touch with our experts for more information about our services.

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