
Cleaning Service Reston: Big Bathroom Ewws…

by budget-maids® - May 24, 2017

cleaning service Reston

What germs lurk here?!

You know what we at cleaning service Reston mean by ewws… these are the bathroom no-no’s everyone is guilty of from time to time.

Our business is cleaning, and there is not much we don’t know about how to make a place spick and span. But some jobs and items in our homes can be overlooked. We’re all busy people and remembering when and what we have cleaned isn’t always easy.

There are some of the top bathroom issues that can be neglected…

The Bathmat

What do you do with your bathmat? You step on it when it’s wet, as do the other people in the household. Do you think it gets dried in between? Bathmats can quickly build up mold and mildew because of this, so they need to be washed regularly – at least once a fortnight. Make sure the mat is dried properly afterwards too. It’s helpful if you can hang up your mat to dry off thoroughly in between uses.

Cleaning Service Reston – the Dreaded Toilet Brush

The Toilet Brush

Ah, the toilet brush – a hardworking implement in most bathrooms. As you might guess, toilet brushes store lots of eww-type things: bacteria, dirt and fecal matter. Most people tend to use them and then put them straight back in the holder. If possible, after every use place the brush in a bucket filled with hot water and a strong cleaning solution such as bleach. Leave to soak for an hour or so and then remove and rinse well. Remember to clean the brush holder at the same time, as we cleaning service Reston experts always do. There is no point shoving it back in a dirty container.

The Toilet Flush

No doubt you clean your toilet well, but the flush handle is often neglected. And how is the flusher used? Well, everyone touches this with their unwashed hands after going to the toilet, don’t they? It’s easy to see why it needs to be cleaned regularly. Use antibacterial wipes to clean thoroughly every time you give the toilet bowl a rinse.

The Hairbrush

It’s not only hairs that stick to a hairbrush – it’s dust, dirt, oils, hair products, skin cells and dust mites. You should pull excess hair out of your brush every time you use it and shampoo your brush at least once a month. Wash it in warm water with a small amount of shampoo in it and use a clean toothbrush to scrub at the bottom of the bristles to get rid of trapped hair and dirt. Dry bristle-side down on a clean towel overnight.

Here at Budget Maids, we provide a cleaning service in Reston, a maid service in Olney or cleaning services in Columbia and surrounds, and more. Why not give us a call today and let us help you ensure you could eat your dinner off your bathroom floor?!

*Photo thanks to MaxPixel – GreatFreePicture